Thursday, October 19, 2017

JWFF Meeting Notice Thursday Nov 2nd 2017

Time: 6:30 PM
Place: Ridgewood United Methodist Church
100 Dayton St.
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Subject: Salt Water Fly Fishing
Speaker: Rick Hennenbach, Charlie Lake, Tom Lade, and Ed Janiga

November's meeting will feature members of the Coastal Flyrodders and the topic is an Introduction to Salt Water Flyfishing. Chapter President Rick Hettenbach will cover the basics on how to get started and some of the ins and outs of fishing in the salt. Charlie Lake will cover some of the local areas and how and when to fish them and Ed Janiga with speak on fly presentation and some tips the trout fisherman can use once at the beach. Several other members of Coastal will be present and Tom Lade will bring his fly swim tank. (Feel free to bring any flies you might like to look at in the water) There will be plenty of time for questions and such.

We will also lay out plans for some of our future trips and welcome any Joan Wulff members to attend trips with our club.

Upcoming Events:
March 2018 - Introduction to Fly Fishing 
June 7th 2018 - Casting Clinic - Arnold Pond - Goffle Brook Park - Hawthorne, NJ
June 2018 - Annual Picnic
December 9th 2017 - Annual Holiday Party - Maywood, NJ

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