Monday, March 26, 2018

Meeting Notice

Subject: Wilderness First Aid:
Identification, Plan and Response

Speaker: Rob VanDerGrift
Time: 6:30 PM
Place:  United Methodist Church  (United Methodist Church)
100 Dayton St. Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Robert Vandegrift has been working in Wilderness Emergency Medicine for over a decade as ski patrol for several of the northeasts larger lift serve resorts, as a member of New Hampshires elite Mountain Rescue Service and as an urban responder and firefighter in Springfield, MA.
Robert holds his WEMT and AWLS certifications in several states, his urban EMT-Paramedic in Massachussetts and is a member of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. In addition, Robert is an AMGA licensed and certified Technical High Angle and Swift Water Rescue responder and is a volunteer to NH Dept. of Fish & Game in wilderness emergent rescue endeavors.
When not on calls, you can find Robert playing in the mountains and on the ocean.

Upcoming Events:

June 7th 2018 - Casting Clinic - Arnold Pond - Goffle Brook Park - Hawthorne, NJ

June 2018 - Annual Picnic

December 8th - Annual Holiday Party

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