Monday, February 22, 2016

JWFF Meeting Notice - March 3rd, 2016

Date: Thursday March 3rd 2016
Time: 6:30 PM
Place: Ridgewood United Methodist Church
100 Dayton St.
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Speaker: Dean Keister

Dean started fly fishing in the 50’s fishing many of the streams in New Jersey with his older brother. After graduating high school he went to college, had a career, and raised a family. He retired in the early 2000’s and was enticed back to fly fishing when his brother stopped by and left a fly rod on the doorstep. Since then, he joined Trout UnlimitedTrout Unlimited where he is currently Vice President of the Mianus Chapter in Connecticut, is past president and on the Board of Directors of Limestone Trout Club in Canaan, CT, has fished extensively in the northeast, Chile, and Argentina with one memorable trip to Alaska. What this all means is that he is always learning, appreciates the help from many anglers, and is anxious to pay it forward whenever possible.

Subject:  Lake (Stillwater) Fishing

For a stream angler Lakes can be a mystery. Streams have a lot to tell you when you know how to read the water. Lakes tend to keep their secrets. But there are ways to crack the code. The presentation is based on experience gathered in trout lakes in Connecticut and Vermont as well as wild lakes in Argentina and Chile. The roles of a trout as both predator and prey and its effect on angling approaches will be discussed. Where trout are likely to found in lakes based on season time of day and light conditions is covered. Methods for getting a fly to these locations with proper presentation will be discussed. Finally flies and equipment will be reviewed.
facebook: JoanWulffFlyFishers

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