Sunday, August 13, 2017

 Our members gathered at the Catskill Fly Fishing Center & Museum on June 24th for our annual picnic.  The event is timed each year to coincide with New York’s free fishing weekend.  The weather cooperated, the food was good and plentiful and our members had a great time trading fish stories and updating each other about their recent adventures.  We thank all the members who brought homemade side dishes.   There were more desserts than any of us should or could eat.  Everyone seemed to have a great time.  If you missed the picnic this year remember to watch for the date in late June next year.
                 Due to a scheduling conflict our namesake, Joan Wulff, was unable to attend this year.  Whenever she can, Joan has joined us to coach us in the art of fly casting and offer other tips that improve our fishing experiences.  Ladies, remember your sun gloves!

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